

# Параметр Значення
1 isaaaID 22
2 Назва 2mepsps
3 Джерело Zea mays
4 Джерело Zea mays
5 Продукт 5-enolpyruvyl shikimate-3-phosphate synthase enzyme (double mutant version)
6 Функція decreases binding affinity for glyphosate, thereby increasing tolerance to glyphosate herbicide
7 Ознака


OECDUI Назва Назва 2 Торгова назва Вид Культура Розробник Ознаки Гени Методи ГМ
BCS-GHØØ2-5 GHB614 GHB614 GlyTol Cotton, Gossypium hirsutum (Cotton) Gossypium hirsutum L. (Cotton) Bayer CropScience (including fully and partly owned companies) [Glyphosate herbicide tolerance] 2mepsps, [Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated plant transformation]
BCS-GHØØ2-5 x ACS-GHØØ1-3 GHB614 x LLCotton25 GHB614 x LLCotton25 Gossypium hirsutum (Cotton) Gossypium hirsutum L. (Cotton) Bayer CropScience (including fully and partly owned companies) [Glyphosate herbicide tolerance, Glufosinate herbicide tolerance] 2mepsps, [Conventional breeding - cross hybridization and selection involving transgenic donor(s)]
BCS-GHØØ2-5 x ACS-GHØØ1-3 x MON-15985-7 GHB614 x LLCotton25 x MON15985 MON15985 Bollgard II® Cotton Gossypium hirsutum (Cotton) Gossypium hirsutum L. (Cotton) Bayer CropScience (including fully and partly owned companies) [Lepidopteran insect resistance, Antibiotic resistance, Glyphosate herbicide tolerance, Visual marker, Glufosinate herbicide tolerance] aad, [Conventional breeding - cross hybridization and selection involving transgenic donor(s)]
BCS-GHØØ2-5 x BCS-GHØØ4-7 x BCS-GHØØ5-8 GHB614 x T304-40 x GHB119 () Gossypium hirsutum L. (Cotton) Bayer CropScience (including fully and partly owned companies) [Lepidopteran insect resistance, Glyphosate herbicide tolerance, Glufosinate herbicide tolerance] 2mepsps, [Conventional breeding - cross hybridization and selection involving transgenic donor(s)]
BCS-GHØØ2-5 x BCS-GHØØ4-7 x BCS-GHØØ5-8 x SYN-IR1Ø2-7 GHB614 x T304-40 x GHB119 x COT102 () Gossypium hirsutum L. (Cotton) Bayer CropScience (including fully and partly owned companies) [Lepidopteran insect resistance, Antibiotic resistance, Glyphosate herbicide tolerance, Glufosinate herbicide tolerance] 2mepsps, [Conventional breeding - cross hybridization and selection involving transgenic donor(s)]
SYN-ØØØJG-2 MZHG0JG () Zea mays L. (Maize) Syngenta [Glyphosate herbicide tolerance, Glufosinate herbicide tolerance] 2mepsps, [Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated plant transformation]
DAS-444Ø6-6 DAS44406-6 () Glycine max L. (Soybean) Dow AgroSciences LLC [2,4-D herbicide tolerance, Glyphosate herbicide tolerance, Glufosinate herbicide tolerance] 2mepsps, [Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated plant transformation]
MST-FGØ72-3 FG72 (FGØ72-2, FGØ72-3) null GTS 40-3-2 (40-3-2) Glycine max L. (Soybean) Bayer CropScience and MS Technologies LLC [Isoxaflutole herbicide tolerance, Glyphosate herbicide tolerance] hppdPF W336, [Microparticle bombardment of plant cells or tissue]

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