

# Параметр Значення
1 isaaaID 8
2 Назва goxv247
3 Джерело Ochrobactrum anthropi
4 Джерело Ochrobactrum anthropi strain LBAA
5 Продукт glyphosate oxidase
6 Функція confers tolerance to glyphosate herbicides by degrading glyphosate into aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) and glyoxylate
7 Ознака


OECDUI Назва Назва 2 Торгова назва Вид Культура Розробник Ознаки Гени Методи ГМ
MON-89249-2 GT200 (RT200) GT200 Roundup Ready Canola Brassica napus (Argentine Canola) Brassica napus (Argentine Canola) Monsanto Company (including fully and partly owned companies) [Glyphosate herbicide tolerance] goxv247, [Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated plant transformation]
MON-ØØØ73-7 GT73 (RT73) RT73 (GT73) Westar Roundup Ready Canola Brassica napus (Argentine Canola) Brassica napus (Argentine Canola) Monsanto Company (including fully and partly owned companies) [Glyphosate herbicide tolerance] goxv247, [Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated plant transformation]
ACS-BNØØ5-8 x ACS-BNØØ3-6 x MON-ØØØ73-7 MS8 x RF3 x GT73 (RT73) MS8 x RF3 x GT73 Brassica napus (Argentine Canola) Brassica napus (Argentine Canola) Bayer CropScience (including fully and partly owned companies) [Male sterility, Fertility restoration, Glufosinate herbicide tolerance, Glyphosate herbicide tolerance] goxv247, [Conventional breeding - cross hybridization and selection involving transgenic donor(s)]
MON801 MON801 (MON80100) MON80100 Zea mays (Maize) Zea mays L. (Maize) Monsanto Company (including fully and partly owned companies) [Lepidopteran insect resistance, Antibiotic resistance, Glyphosate herbicide tolerance] goxv247, [Microparticle bombardment of plant cells or tissue]
PH-MON-8Ø9-2 MON809 MON809 Zea mays (Maize) Zea mays L. (Maize) Monsanto Company and Dupont (Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.) [Lepidopteran insect resistance, Antibiotic resistance, Glyphosate herbicide tolerance] goxv247, [Microparticle bombardment of plant cells or tissue]
not available MON832 MON832 Zea mays (Maize) Zea mays L. (Maize) Monsanto Company (including fully and partly owned companies) [Antibiotic resistance, Glyphosate herbicide tolerance] goxv247, [Microparticle bombardment of plant cells or tissue]
MON-00603-6 x MON-00810-6 x DP004114-3 x SYN-IR604-4 NK603 x MON810 x 4114 x MIR 604 () Zea mays L. (Maize) Syngenta and Monsanto Company [Mannose metabolism, Coleopteran insect resistance, Lepidopteran insect resistance, Antibiotic resistance, Glufosinate herbicide tolerance, Glyphosate herbicide tolerance] cry35Ab1, [Conventional breeding - cross hybridization and selection involving transgenic donor(s)]
DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 × MON-ØØ81Ø-6 × SYN-IR6Ø4-5 × MON-ØØ6Ø3-6 TC1507 × MON810 × MIR604 × NK603 () Zea mays L. (Maize) DuPont (Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.) [Mannose metabolism, Coleopteran insect resistance, Lepidopteran insect resistance, Antibiotic resistance, Glufosinate herbicide tolerance, Glyphosate herbicide tolerance] goxv247, [Conventional breeding - cross hybridization and selection involving transgenic donor(s)]
not available ZSR500 ZSR500, 502, 503 Roundup Ready Canola Brassica rapa (Polish Canola) Brassica rapa (Polish canola) University of Florida [Glyphosate herbicide tolerance] goxv247, [Conventional breeding - cross hybridization and selection involving transgenic donor(s)]
not available ZSR502 ZSR500, 502, 503 Roundup Ready Canola Brassica rapa (Polish Canola) Brassica rapa (Polish canola) University of Florida [Glyphosate herbicide tolerance] goxv247, [Conventional breeding - cross hybridization and selection involving transgenic donor(s)]
not available ZSR503 ZSR500, 502, 503 Roundup Ready Canola Brassica rapa (Polish Canola) Brassica rapa (Polish canola) University of Florida [Glyphosate herbicide tolerance] goxv247, [Conventional breeding - cross hybridization and selection involving transgenic donor(s)]
SY-GTSB77-8 GTSB77 (T9100152) T9100152 (GTSB77) Roundup Ready® Sugar Beet Beta vulgaris (Sugar Beet) Beta vulgaris (Sugar Beet) Novartis Seeds and Monsanto Company [Glyphosate herbicide tolerance, Visual marker] goxv247, [Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated plant transformation]

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